Computer repairs & servicing

As well as web services, we are also able to service your computer and laptops. Some of the services we offer are:

Data recovery

We can recover data from a corrupted or failed drive, as well as accidentally deleted files. It is important that you minimise use of the drive to maximise recovery options.

Hardware upgrades

We can provide advice on new hardware, and install it in your machine, whether it be adding more RAM, changing a hard drive, or adding peripheral devices.

Virus removal

We can assist with the removal of viruses and malware from your computer. We also provide advice on how to minimise the risks of becoming infected in the future.


We can assist you in setting up your network devices. We can offer solutions for permanent installations as well as temporary connections.

System check-ups and optimisation

We can give your computer a deep clean, and help keep it running smoothly. This involves both a physical clean, removing built up debris from within the computer, and also optimising the operating system, and making sure virus definitions and software updates are current.

Data migration and synchronization

Upgrading your computer? We can assist you with migrating your files and settings from your old machine. We can also assist with setting up software on phones and tablets to synchronize files with the cloud.

General troubleshooting

We can help with general computer problems, and provide advice on how to avoid them.

Software installation

We can assist with the setting up of software on a new computer, including operating systems.



Tech tools & skills


Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is one of the foundations of the internet. Plain websites may use html exclusively, however this leads to a static site.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are files that supplement html pages. These files contain coding that can be called from the subsequent html files and help to provide consistency throughout a project.


PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a server side scripting language which returns code to the client based on a variety of tasks. It is commonly used to provide an interface between a website and a database, as well as performing calculations.


jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library which allows developers to write plug-ins to enhance the JavaScript library. It is widely used for event handling within html.


Bootstrap is a free collection of tools for creating websites, and is used extensively across the internet in one way or another.


mySQL is a database server, which is used extensively across the internet for the storage and retrieval of data in many different formats.

Font Awesome

Font Awesome is a collection of fonts and CSS rules, which act as a library for icons across a website.



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Contact Info

Address: 3 White Street
Young, NSW 2594
Phone: (04) 0352 2675
Email: [email protected]

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